Command-Based Programming

An overview of WPILib Command-Based Programming.


What you just created is known as a timed robot. This is one of a couple of different paradigms—or ways—to organize your robot code. The other way, which is the way we use on Team 937, is a command-based robot.

Command-based is a declarative paradigm, meaning that we declare the parts of the robot once, then use them later. It is generally made up of commands and subsystems, which we'll explain in a moment.

On Team 937, we've found that command-based code is generally better-organized and easier to extend, so we use it on all of our robots.


Commands are the files in the robot's code that tell the robot what to do. This has a wide variety of applications, such as telling the robot to raise an arm, launch a catapult, or even just drive the robot.

The Command Scheduler

The Command Scheduler is the class that runs everything in the robot. Every 20 milliseconds, it goes through everything that is running, is initialized to run, or ending. (For those who know how frames in video games work—it is a very similar system). For a detailed look into the Command Scheduler, reference the WPILib documentation:

This link contains the documentation for the WPILib Command Scheduler

The four important methods for commands are initialize(), execute(), end(), and isFinished(). For a detailed look at them, refer to:


initialize() is run once when a command is first scheduled.


execute() is run continuously while a command is scheduled. This is the primary method we use in our commands. It is useful for commands the run while a button is pressed down (i.e. spinning a wheel).


end() is run once when a command is finished. This is used the least of the four.


isFinished() is run as often as execute(). However, isFinished() returns a boolean every iteration. When it returns true, the command ends. If you aren't going to use this method, set it to always return false.

Here is a simple command as an example, which we used in the 2023 season to extend the arm of Sailor Bison (our 2023 robot). This command uses activation through a button, and therefore does not use the isFinished() method. This command closely follows the formatting of all commands.

For a detailed look into commands, refer to the WPILib documentation on commands:


Subsystems are used to communicate with components on the robot directly. They hide operations that can be performed on the hardware that might damage it while exposing methods that make the component easy to use.

The purpose of subsystems is to expose individual actions that the component can do and make it easy to call them, such as retracting the arm or extending it. Subsystems also hide operations that can be harmful to the robot, such as overextending the arm or keeping the arm from moving too fast.

We use subsystems to control groups of motors and hardware that make up one component, such as all the motors for the drivetrain or a motor for a flywheel.

An example subsystem is the ArmIntake subsystem in robot2023. This subsystem runs the intake on the arm whenever a command tells it to.

Binding Commands to Triggers & RobotContainer

Now that we know how to create subsystems and commands, let's look into how to actually run the commands we've made.


All the robot's subsystems, commands, and controllers are instantiated within (recall that instantiation means to create an instance of a class). Once we have them instantiated, we can define events that should cause different commands to run. These events are called triggers, and they're almost always a button being pressed on our controller.


There are a number of triggers that you can bind commands to, but for today, we'll just worry about button mappings, since you'll use them primarily. For this, you'll want to make sure you have an XboxController instantiated at the top of your RobotContainer.

To create a new button mapping, you'll need to do nameOfXboxControllerObject.a().whileTrue(commandObjectToRun);. This will run commandObjectToRun while the a button is held down. It will end the command as soon as the button is released. There are a few other bindings you can use (like running a command when a button is pressed, or stopping a command when a button is pressed) which you can see in the WPILib documentation:

For an example RobotContainer, see here:

Applying Our Knowledge

Try to re-write your motor turning project from before in command-based. You'll want to create a separate, brand-new project—don't try to convert your old timed project to command-based.

All the information you need should be in the sections above on this page.

As always, please try it on your own before you check the solution!


Click the link below for a repository containing the full solution:

Last updated